Myth #1: Black girls LIKE being fat


I think there is no better way to begin a weight-loss blog than with some good old myth busting. I sat in front of my computer for such a long time this morning  debating whether or not to include the fact that I was “black” in the blogs title.  After all, when it comes to being a fat girl, race doesn’t really make a difference does it? Don’t fat girls of all races have a shared experience when it comes to things like: Romance, men, food, fashion, social lives, representation in the media, discrimination?

Or is it true that FAT BLACK FEMALES have somehow managed to get around the cultural norms for fat women? Is it really true that as so many “studies” suggest, black women are happier than their “white counterparts” when it comes to body  image? (The scientists just love comparing black women to white ones don’t they? Yes, there will be an entry on this too)


Celebrities are universal images that most people have seen, therefore I will be using them to illustrate some examples. Let’s take a look. Has anyone seen how much these ladies have lost weight and transformed their bodies?  Monique, Queen Latifah, Star Jones,  Jennifer Hudson, Missy Elliot, does anyone remember Kelly Price?

Every fat black girl I know whether as an acquaintance, friend or stranger I met on the train, expresses a desire to lose weight. I can’t tell you even one 200lb. or 300 pound black girl who doesn’t want to find a way to transform her body to look like Beyoncé’s.  And why shouldn’t we?  Any heterosexual female reading this knows why.

You may have noticed the image I chose to headline my blog. The photo is not actually me, but at the very moment  I write this, it’s  a striking resemblance. I wish I could be there standing next to you to see your reaction. You know, the reaction you would have in private before thoughts of political correctness, sympathy or guilt set in. After all it’s okay in our private thoughts to acknowledge how gross, unsexy, unattractive, disgusting, deformed and disfigured rolls of fat around a womans abdomen can be. It kills the hip-to-waist ratio! It’s just plain unsightly and ugly! Not to mention the chafing, back pain, knee-creaking, cellulite, skin-discolorations, strech marks and a host of other obesity-related ills! Oh but excuse me, I’m happy this way…. Um yes, and let me move away from your fat-ass before I get struck by lightning!

But for reasons that I can’t wait to delve into as this blog unfolds, many have chosen to belive, erroneously I argue; that fat black women enjoy being obese, and that somehow we don’t experience all the negative experiences that come with being a “fat chick.”

Therefore I did the right thing by not omitting my race on my blog. In addition with wanting to share my story with the world in real-time, I also want to bust the myth that big black women are somehow super-naturally brimming over with an abundance of self-esteem and positive body image. However, I do plan to discus how I have used this stereotype for my advantage. (And that will be a whole nuther’ entry)

I am absolutely certain I am not the only obese black girl who not only wants to be thin, beautiful, toned, shapely, sexy, feminine and HOT- but  is working towards that goal.

Today is my official start day of a combination of Atkins and Excercise. My current weight: 302 pounds. Today is: April 1, 2010

I welcome you to follow me on this journey of weight loss.


4 thoughts on “Myth #1: Black girls LIKE being fat

  1. Where is the next installation??? it’s been over a year and I was hoping to see where the journey has taken you.

    • Thank you for your comment. I just let it die. But perhaps I should do the blog after all. FYI. I’m 278. Yes. I think i’ll do this. Take care!

  2. How interesting and eye-opening. I always thought that black women weren’t as troubled by weight as we neurotic white girls because many black men don’t mind women with a little meat on their bones, unlike a lot of white guys.

    I hope you keep posting and good luck in your weight loss journey. 🙂

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